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Combined Use of Rheometry and GPC/SEC for Characterising Ionic Polysaccharides

The widespread use of ionic polysaccharides like Hyaluronan, Chitosan and Carrageenan in applications as broad as medical, cosmetics and foods generates a demand for ever more detailed and accurate material characterization. Applications require ever higher material specifications, and business need ever leaner production techniques. Shorter consumer product cycles also put pressure on the development teams. This results in requests for shorter development times and more specific information about the materials used.

Rheology and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC/GPC) are both well established methods for the characterization of polysaccharide solutions. SEC targets characterization on a molecular scale whereas rheology offers insights into properties on a more macroscopic scale. Linking the results of independent characterization technologies results in a much more complete picture of the samples under investigation. This poster shows how Rheometry and GPC can be used as complementary tools for characterising the behaviour of polysaccharides in solution.