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Testing Program and Method Considerations for Alternative Protein Products

Speaking at Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis 2021, A J McCardell, president of Certified Laboratories, presented her talk on food safety and quality objectives when manufacturing Food and beverage products.

A Short Introduction to Proteomics Data and Mass Spectrometry

This video provides a short introduction to the core concepts of MS-based proteomics, which is the use of mass spectrometry to simultaneously measure the abundances, post-translational modifications (PTMs), or interactions of many proteins.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM With Jeanita Pritchett

In this episode of Teach Me in 10, Dr. Jeanita Pritchett, who has a deep-rooted passion for helping others find excitement in STEM and considers herself a "Jane of All Trades", will speak about what diversity means, why DEI policies and practices are an important factor in optimizing the science ecosystem and she seeks to address the question what everyone can do to help get us to a more inclusive environment.

Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in Food - An Analytical Challenge

Speaking at Advances in Food and Beverage Analysis 2021, Andrea Hochegger from Graz University of Technology, presented her talk on mineral oil hydrocarbons in food.

An Introduction to Flow Cytometry With Dr. Eric Yager

Watch this Teach Me in 10 video to hear an introduction to flow cytometry with Dr. Eric Yager from the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Cutting into Tallow – A Lipidomic Exploration of Animal-Based and Alternatively-Sourced Meat

Speaking at Advances in Food and Beverage Analysis 2021, Robert A Di Lorenzo from SCIEX, presented his talk on animal based and alternative meat sources.

Thermo Scientific™ HeSaver-H2Safer™ SSL Injector for the TRACE™ 1600 Series GC

Learn how to relieve helium gas shortage issues by quickly adapting your iConnect SSL injector to dramatically reduce helium consumption to a few mL/min during operation and to almost no flow when the GC is idle.

Catching Criminals With Lipstick Stains

It’s a common TV crime show trope: no suspects, little evidence, until an investigator finds a lipstick mark. Scientists have developed a way to lift lipstick samples, and found the best way to analyze them.

Multimodal Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Advanced Technologies for Molecular Mapping of Biological Tissues

Speaking at Advances in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2021, Jeffrey Spraggins, Research Assistant Professor from Vanderbilt, discusses developing new, high-performance technologies for improving spatial resolution, sensitivity and specificity of MALDI IMS.

New Gel Protects Eggs and May Lead to Better Sports Helmets

Researchers report that by adding starch to gelatin, they have created gels that protect fragile consumer objects — and maybe someday, people’s heads.