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Latest On-Demand Webinars


Recent Advances in the Routine Analysis of Dioxins in Food and Environmental Samples

Watch this webinar to learn more about how the use of triple quadrupole GC/MS for routine dioxin analysis can improve your lab’s productivity, eurofins carries out dioxin analysis in environmental samples with performance criteria and the use of hydrogen carrier gas can significantly reduce lab operating costs.

Advancements and Key Parameters for Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis

Watch this webinar to learn more about recent innovations in GC/MS technologies,
key parameters for success with the purge and trap method and an efficient way to build both the quantitation method and VOCs library using spectral deconvolution.

High Resolution GC/Q-TOF for Routine Analysis of Dioxins and Screening in Environmental Matrices

Watch this webinar to learn more about how high-resolution GC/Q-TOF exceeds regulatory performance requirement, the targeted and untargeted screening workflow capabilities of quadrupole time-of-flight GC/MS and how GC/Q-TOF mass spectrometry can increase your lab’s productivity.

Leveraging Extended Reality (XR) Technology To Drive Laboratory Productivity

As organizations look to build and execute digital transformation strategies, a major focus is how to improve the scientific experience. To maximize the output of the lab, scientists need to be able to rely on technological advancements, innovative software and improved processes.

Advantages of Custom Chromatography Resin Development for the Purification of Complex Biotherapeutics

Advancements in biotherapeutics have initiated an increasing range of complex molecules often presenting unique purification challenges. Addressing these challenges requires novel purification strategies for commercial manufacturing, which may not always exist. When your specific process needs cannot be met with off-the-shelve resins, custom resin production may be a viable solution.

Advancing Vaccine Development With Novel Purification Strategies

Vaccination has proven to be the most successful form of disease prevention available today. However, infectious diseases still account for large numbers of the yearly reported casualties, especially in developing countries.

Essential Analytical Tools for a Premium Cannabis Extraction Facility

The cannabis oil market continues to grow at a rapid pace, as many operators are investigating new and improved vehicles for cannabis consumption.

Data Reporting, Integrity and Compliance

In this webinar, data integrity expert Bob McDowall explains how to ensure the integrity and compliance of reported data, from sampling to reporting.

Gas Safety in Your Laboratory

Bulk gas supply in the form of liquid nitrogen dewars and cylinders present laboratories with safety risks stemming from the frequent need to handle and manage gas supplies. In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits of instead using gas generators for your laboratory gas supply in terms of safety, convenience and the potential reduction of overheads compared to cylinders or dewars.

Retinal Organoids as an Emerging Tool for Drug Discovery

Human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived retinal organoids are an emerging tool for the study of retinal development, disease modeling and drug discovery.