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Reducing the Burden of Downstream Clarification of Pretreated Feed Streams

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Merck Millipore recently launching the Clarisolve® depth filter for single-stage clarification of pretreated feed streams. We used this opportunity to catch up with them to learn more about the product, its advantages and benefits.

AB: What were the key drivers for the creation of Clarisolve® depth filters?
Merck Millipore (MM): The current evolution to high cell density and high-product titer cell cultures is placing a larger burden on traditional downstream clarification and purification operations. Pre-treatment technologies such as acid precipitation and other flocculation polymers are being used to make the clarification process more efficient in these cases. However, traditional depth filters are not well suited to handle the particle size distribution of these pre-treated streams which results in premature clogging of depth filters. This leads to large depth filter installations and has an overall negative impact on process economics. The result is customers are not able to take advantage of the efficiencies gained in upstream.

AB: What advantages does Clarisolve® offer over current depth filtration technologies?
MM: The Clarisolve® depth filter is a novel clarification tool with a gradient density structure specifically designed to the particle size distributions of pre-treated feed streams. Delivering improved volumetric capacity and reduced turbidity over currently available depth filtration technologies, Clarisolve® depth filters process pre-treated feeds in a significantly reduced footprint without the need for the secondary stage of clarification. The products are available in 20MS, 40MS, and 60HX configurations to address multiple flocculation approaches.

AB: How do these advantages benefit users?
MM: This technology enables customers using pre-treated feed streams to perform single stage clarification, eliminating the need for secondary clarification (reduced overall footprint), and the need for centrifugation, which results in significant capital savings and enables a fully single use downstream process train. The materials of construction also enable customers to significantly reduce pre-use flushing requirements.

While each feed stream will have slightly different requirements, on average our customers have seen double the volumetric capacity over traditional depth filters using this technology. We have seen significant interest in the technology to date - there are two publications co-authored from customers and several conference presentations that have been completed.

AB: What are the key applications of Clarisolve®?
MM: Clarisolve® depth filters are used for single-stage clarification of pre-treated feed streams (high density and high product titer) for mammalian cell culture for mAb production.

AB: How does the current range of Merck Millipore products complement the use of the Clarisolve filters®?
MM: The Clarisolve depth filters compliment the industry leading Millistak+® pod devices for clarification, specifically targeting high density pre-treated feed streams. Merck Millipore also provides a cationic pDADMAC flocculating which can be used as a pre-treatment in combination with the Clarisolve® depth filters.

Merck Millipore were speaking to Ashley Board, Managing Editor for Technology Networks. You can find Ashley onand follow Technology Networks onTwitter.
