Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
Cold Activation of TRPM8 Using a temperature controlled External Perfusion System and the Port-a-Patch
Download this app note to learn more about how TRPM8 channels have been implicated to play a role in cancer, in particular prostate and pancreatic cancer.
App Note / Case Study
Digital Asset Management in A Pharmaceutical Laboratory
Research scientists are all too familiar with the catastrophic effects of equipment failure. During October 2020, a pharmaceutical lab associate lost several months’ worth of work due to three incubators losing humidity control resulting in the loss of valuable cell lines.
App Note / Case Study
Rapid and Reproducible Parallel Processing of Charge Heterogeneity Analysis of Protein Therapeutics
Rapid characterization of protein therapeutic charge variants can be challenging for the growing number and wider variety of new modality drug candidates. Automated capillary electrophoresis instruments offer fast separation times and high reproducibility for capillary isoelectric focusing.
App Note / Case Study
Genome Integrity Analysis of Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAV) Using Multi-Capillary Gel Electrophoresis
An AAV is a non-enveloped virus with a lack of pathogenicity, low immunogenicity, broad tropism and persistent transgene expression in both proliferating and quiescent cells. This makes AAVs an attractive choice for creating viral vectors for gene therapy for a variety of diseases.
App Note / Case Study
Acceleration of Method Optimization for AAV Capsid Purity Analysis
腺相关病毒(AAV)衣壳的纯洁性proteins has important implications for efficacy of the viral vector. A robust analytical method for assessment of the capsid purity for a range of serotypes that can provide reliable results in a timely fashion is desirable.
App Note / Case Study
High-Throughput Multi-Capillary SDS Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins
Automated capillary electrophoresis instruments offer fast separation times and proven, high reproducibility for capillary sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis (SDS-CGE), thus representing an excellent tool for the analysis of therapeutic proteins.
App Note / Case Study
Microscale Separation: A Chromatography System for Low Volume Size Exclusion Chromatography
The structural characterization of complex proteins gives researchers a glimpse into theirin vivomechanistic functions and complex chemistries. In the case of drug development, structural information of proteins involved in disease pathways is crucial for downstream rational design of novel therapeutics.
App Note / Case Study
Target-Class Selectivity Profiling for Deubiquitinase (DUB) Inhibitors
Download this app note to discover a solution that provides accurate quantification with multiplexed stable isotope reagents, unprecedented coverage of cellular DUB enzymes and evidence that hits in a high-throughput biochemical screen are indeed selective for intended targets.
App Note / Case Study
Microbubbles Offer a Versatile, Flexible Platform for Targeted Capture of Diverse Analytes
Download this app note to discover a solution that can be used with any biotinylated affinity molecule, enables floatation-based separation of diverse targets as well as provides workflows that are exceptionally gentle on delicate analytes.
App Note / Case Study
Analyzing Raw Material for Oligonucleotide Synthesis
As the first step of the biopharmaceutical production process, the raw material of any synthesis needs to be analyzed thoroughly for the best quality products. The chemical synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides has been one of the enabling technologies for modern molecular biology.