
DNA可以帮助刺激骨治疗局部的和有针对性的方式,例如在一个复杂的骨折手术后或严重的组织后损失。这个马丁·路德大学研究人员日前Halle-Wittenberg (MLU),莱比锡大学的大学的威罗(葡萄牙)和弗劳恩霍夫研究所材料微观结构和系统在哈雷世界地图。他们已经开发出一种新工艺,涂层植入材料与gene-activated生物材料诱导干细胞产生骨组织。他们的研究结果发表在知名杂志上先进医疗材料。
身体的骨头是一个迷人的例子再生的能力。他们能够恢复完整功能——即使断裂——由于他们形成新的能力,弹性组织骨折部位。“然而,当涉及到复杂的骨折或主要组织损失,甚至骨头的自愈能力不足,“教授托马斯解释说,生物医学材料研究小组负责人MLU研究所的药店。”在这种情况下,植入物需要稳定的骨头,取代部分关节,与可降解材料或桥大缺陷。”The success of such implants depends largely on how well they are incorporated into the bone. Increased efforts have been made in recent years to support this process by coating implants with bioactive materials to activate bone cells and mesenchymal stem cells.
间充质干细胞能够产生不同类型的组织,但是激活他们专门再生骨可以特别具有挑战性。在这种情况下,一个细胞外基质起着至关重要的作用。“骨细胞之间的组织是由胶原蛋白和硫酸软骨素,除此之外,“Groth解释道。“这可以人为地复制并应用于植入物的表面,使其生物活性。This ensures that implants are incorporated better and are less likely to be rejected by the body. Drugs and activators can also be added to the artificial extracellular matrix to stimulate bone growth. One such activator is the protein BMP-2, which is already being used in spinal fusions or to treat complicated, non-healing fractures. However, studies have shown that the high dose of BMP-2 needed can lead to uncontrolled bone tissue formation in the surrounding muscle as well as to other undesirable side effects.
“模仿细胞外基质薄膜与纳米粒子表面涂层和functionalising制药材料研究的一个里程碑,”托马斯Groth解释道。“DNA可以有针对性地发布和组织的刺激增长的极限时间和地点,不会造成不良副作用。”According to Groth, the method is also fundamentally suited for transporting mRNA and thus expands the possibilities of regenerative medicine - not only in the field of bone formation, but also for other therapeutic applications.
参考:Husteden C,布里托Barrera)是的,Tegtmeyer年代,等。基于细胞外基质组件Lipoplex-functionalized薄膜表面涂层为本地控制成骨干细胞differenti基因传递系统情况下。阿德医疗板牙。2022:2201978。doi:10.1002 / adhm.202201978