Phil Groom
Phil Groom is commercial director for Bond Digital Health, a global medtech company headquartered in the UK that provides data capture and management solutions for lateral flow diagnostics. Phil is the chair of the Digital Working Party of BIVDA - the British In Vitro Diagnostic Association. A key opinion leader in the diagnostics sector, Phil has written for various publications and spoken at industry events. He is a published author and has 20+ years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry.
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Could Antibody Tests Be an Alternative to or Complement the COVID Vaccine?
The threat from COVID-19 is receding and measures are being rolled back in many countries. In this opinion piece, Phil Groom argues that it's time to look at new diagnostic solutions in addition to vaccines.

Digitized Lateral Flow Tests Can Transform How We Think About Patient Generated Health Data
Patient generated health data is a hot topic in healthcare, with connected technology driving a shift towards patient-centric care. Phil Groom argues that, after the pandemic, digitized lateral flow testing must become a key part of this movement.

Lateral Flow Testing Beyond COVID-19
Before 2020, the words “lateral flow” meant little to anyone outside the scientific community. Now, thanks to COVID-19, lateral flow is no longer an unknown. In this article, we explore the future of the technology.

Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Doesn’t Remove the Need for Mass Rapid Testing
Vaccination is the weapon that will ultimately defeat this pandemic, but getting there will take much time and effort. Until then there will still be a need for other measures to control the virus, including rapid diagnostic testing and screening.

Connectivity, Data and Their Role in Lateral Flow Diagnostics
This article takes a look at how people's expectations of connectivity in their everyday lives should inform how we approach medical diagnostic devices, and how connected, data-gathering tests could transform diagnostics, using the current pandemic as an example.

Who Will Win the "Race to the Bottom" in the Infectious Disease Testing Market?
When it comes to testing for infectious diseases, it seems some companies are engaged in a “race to the bottom” to provide the cheapest test possible. Ever-lower price points might be attractive for cash-strapped governments, NGOs and charities engaged in the ongoing fight against infectious diseases, but are such practices putting us at risk of compromising quality?