Product News
Rockland Immunochemicals Develops Antibodies
Release of 95 antibodies involved in cell signaling through a unique partnership.

Product News
RainDance Launches the Next Generation of PCR
New RainDrop™ System surpasses all existing digital PCR technologies and establishes new performance standards in cancer research.

Product News
PRECOS Launches Lung In ONcology Model Atlas at AACR Annual Meeting 2012
Premium bespoke collection of clinically relevant lung in oncology models for drug discovery.

Product News
PRECOS Unveils Innovative Range of Platforms for Drug Discovery and Biomarker Oncology Studies
Company to launch unique platforms series for pre-clinical oncology at the AACR annual meeting 2012.

Product News
Life Technologies’ Benchtop Ion Proton Sequencer Designed to Decode a Human Genome in One Day for $1,000 makes ArabLab Debut.
Democratizing DNA sequencing by reducing time, cost and informatics bottleneck.

Product News
Leading Swedish Universities Adopt Heat-Stabilization Technology
Scientists use Denator’s Stabilizor™ system to integrate heat stabilization of tissues samples.

Product News
DySIS Cervical Cancer Screening Tool Achieves Clinical and Cost Benefits to Patients
Study commissioned by NIHR HTA programme on behalf of NICE highlights sensitivity and benefits of DySIS over conventional methods.

Product News
Transgenomic and MD Anderson Collaborate on Circulating Tumor Cell Study using ICE COLD-PCR
Teams join forces to evaluate the use of Transgenomic’s very high sensitivity ICE COLD-PCR mutation detection technology in analysis of DNA isolated from circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood samples from patients with advanced cancer.

Product News
Illumina Introduces TruSeq® Amplicon - Cancer Panel for MiSeq® System
Allows researchers to rapidly detect hundreds of cancer mutations.

Product News
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ensures Quality Tissue Cutting for Human Protein Atlas Project
Thermo Scientific HM355S automated microtome enables high-quality sectioning for TMA production.