



Septoria叶子满地,球腔菌属所致graminicola Fuckel散粒。(鉴定Septoria tritici抢劫。前任Desm)是一种重大疾病全球小麦(小麦l .)。有表型研究报告基因之间的关联阻力,株高和抽穗期,而其他人认为这种联系,而由于流行病学或环境因素。这项工作的目的是识别(i) marker-trait协会(放在)抗m . graminicola株高和抽穗期通过全基因组关联映射DArT-based,(2)存在/缺乏这些特质之间的基因连锁。测试材料由96年冬小麦到达来自21个国家基因分型与874年飞镖标记。三场实验在拉普拉塔国立大学,阿根廷在2012年和2013年期间,裂区设计。整个收集接种两个隔离两个地点在阿根廷(解放军和Nueve de Julio)使用的浓度为5×106个孢子ml-1和喷洒在2-leaf阶段两年。的两个实验,坏死比例在幼苗得分,而这三个实验中,标题日期和株高是评估。坏死的比例,株高和抽穗期分数显示广泛的表型变化从32.4%到67.6%不等; 22.97 to 127.7 cm.; and 94 to 138 days respectively. Phenotype–genotype association analysis employing the general linear model (GLM) and mixed linear model (MLM) were performed. Only loci significant with both models were considered associated to the traits. QTLs for M. graminicola resistance were detected on chromosome 1A (two) and 6B for both experiments with the isolate from Pla. In addition, four significant MTAs on chromosome 1B (two), 2A and 2D for both experiments were effective against the isolate from Nueve de Julio. For heading date, five significant MTAs were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2B, 4B, 5D and 6A for the three experiments. For plant height, four significant MTAs were identified on chromosomes 2B, 3A, 4A and 7A for the three experiments. Necrosis was negatively associated with both plant height and heading date for both isolates, although for one of the isolates it was only significant for heading date. Only the marker WPt6240 was significantly associated with both heading date and resistance to Nueve de Julio isolate considering the significant MTAs for all experiments.