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PreventingEx VivoActivational Confounds in Single-Cell Neuroscience Studies

A long-standing concern for neuroscientists studying specific cell typesin vivo是细胞isolation from CNS tissue inducesex vivoactivational artifacts that confound experimental interpretations. Here we present best practices for isolating glial and neuronal cells for downstream omics analyses. We show that the inclusion of transcription and translation inhibitors during cell preparation minimizesex vivoactivation induced during enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. We will also compare cell preparation and isolation techniques for various CNS cell types.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn about two techniques that can be used to preventex vivoactivational confounds in neuroscience studies
  • Determine the best cell preparation and isolation technique for isolating different CNS cell types
  • Discover why it is important to considerex vivoactivational confounds when designing neuroscience studies
Dr. Sarah Ocañas
Dr. Sarah Ocañas
Assistant Member of the Genes and Human Disease Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dr. Bill Freeman
Dr. Bill Freeman
Member of the Genes and Human Disease Research Program, Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Medical Center