








高威大学J.E.凯恩商业和经济学院接待了一领导会议和聚会联欢晚会,作为50周年庆祝活动的一部分,它的工商管理学硕士(MBA)计划。在事件期间,大学宣布计划建立一个新的高威大学MBA校友网络超过600名MBA毕业生已经通过该项目,其中许多人已经在全国范围内跨部门和全球高级领导角色。领导会议和聚会联欢晚会担任一个平台展示优秀的专业知识和经验的MBA校友在很大程度上造成了各自行业几十年来。所开的会议上,总统高威大学教授Ciaran O hOgartaigh特色小组会议关注MBA对商业和社会的影响;人才发展为未来的成功;从校友职业反射;和一个领导人的首席执行官丹尼本人主持的论坛,位主任。成立以来在1972/73学年,高威大学MBA已经确立了自己作为一个主要的项目,提供卓越的商业教育和准备领导人不断变化的全球市场的挑战。Ciaran O hOgartaigh教授在事件,高威大学总统说:“我要恭喜大学J.E.凯恩商学院和经济成功50年的MBA课程。计划,更重要的是我们的毕业生对世界起到了很大的影响在过去的五十年,帮助创造能力、人才和领导,否则不会在这里。 “The establishment of programmes such as the MBA are inflection points, envisioned by the people involved, facilitated by the place, responding to the needs of the time. We are facing new challenges now, in social cohesion, health and wellbeing, and climate action. And University of Galway is stepping up again to identify and respond to future opportunities and challenges. “In fifty years’ time, what will people say we did now that made a positive difference across the decades?” Professor Alma McCarthy, Dean of J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at University of Galway, said: “Over the past five decades, our MBA has consistently produced exceptional business leaders who have made significant contributions to their organisations and the business community as a whole. The events that we have been able to hold as part of the 50 year celebrations are testament to the achievements of our graduates, our alumni, and the enduring impact of the University of Galway MBA.” Professor Kate Kenny, MBA Programme Director at University of Galway, said: "As Programme Director, it was an honour and a pleasure to welcome so many MBA alumni, current students, faculty and even our founding Programme Director Professor Jim Doolan. During the day, I appreciated the rich insights from our panellists, on all manner of leadership learnings and challenges overcome since their time on campus as MBA students. But my stand-out memory is the strong sense of camaraderie and friendship among classes, past and present." The University of Galway MBA is accredited by AMBA, the global mark of excellence for MBA education. The two-year part-time executive leadership programme enables participants to prepare for accelerated career progression while also applying learning in their organisation from the start of the programme, with graduates going on to senior leadership roles across a broad range of sectors. For further information about the MBA at University of Galway visit https://www.universityofgalway.ie/mba/. Ends




高威大学的研究人员研究在肠癌细胞的相互作用确定创新策略来增强身体如何对抗疾病和药物治疗。结直肠,也被称为肠,全球癌症死亡的主要原因是增加发展中国家的发病率和年轻人。仅在爱尔兰,有超过2500每年新诊断病例肠癌,限制患者治疗选择先进的疾病阶段。研究的结果发表在生命科学《细胞》杂志报道。Aideen瑞安在肿瘤免疫学副教授高威大学医学院护理和健康科学,说:“不幸的是,一个高比例的结直肠癌患者不应对免疫疗法。我们已经确定了糖涂层与唾液酸分子,称为sialoglycans,出现在肿瘤细胞,称为基质细胞。这些都是与贫穷对免疫治疗的反应。针对这些分子增强免疫反应在高水平的这些细胞的肿瘤。“这项研究是由与VUB高威大学合作,比利时;美国波士顿Palleon制药;CURAM, SFI高威大学研究中心的基础; Glasgow Beatson Institute for Cancer Research; Queen’s University Belfast. What did the researchers investigate? Approximately 25% of bowel cancer patients have a high density of stromal cells, a type of cancer-supporting cell found in close proximity to cancer cells. These patients are the hardest to treat. Stromal cells use a number of methods to inhibit or suppress immune cell responses, many of which are utilised by the cancer cells themselves, to promote tumour growth. This leads to conventional anti-cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and, more recently, immunotherapies, having less than favourable results. The researchers studied a previously unknown mechanism of stromal cell immunosuppression. It occurs as sugar coated molecules expressed on the stromal cell surface binds to specific protein receptors expressed on the surface of immune T-cells. What did the researchers discover? The sugars - sialic acids (or sialoglycans) – bind to receptors called Siglecs. The Siglecs stop the cancer killing T cells from working. The research showed that stromal cells, when exposed to inflammatory molecules released by bowel cancer cells, express increased amounts of the sialoglycans - on their surface. It also showed that T cells could be re-activated by using specific drugs to disrupt the binding between the cells. The researchers tested the findings using stromal cells isolated from bowel cancer patient biopsies and got the same results, confirming that targeting the binding of sialic acid/Siglecs may represent an innovative strategy to enhance anti-tumour immunity in immunosuppressive tumour microenvironments. Dr Ryan added: “Our plan now is to test the effects of combining this new targeting approach with clinically approved immunotherapies in the hope that the combination will improve immune responses to cancer. “We are fortunate to have access to drugs, called sialidases, that target sialoglycans through our collaborators Palleon Pharmaceuticals to test these new combinations in our laboratory. These sialidase molecules derived from Palleon's EAGLE glyco-immunology drug development platform has recent clinical proof of mechanism.” Li Peng, chief scientific officer, Palleon, said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Dr Ryan in studying the role of sialoglycans on tumour-associated stromal cells in inhibiting anti-tumour immune responses. Dr Ryan's ground-breaking research highlights the therapeutic potential of targeting stromal cell sialoglycans in the tumour microenvironment as a cancer treatment approach, utilising a sialidase molecule derived from Palleon's EAGLE glyco-immunology drug development platform that has clinical proof of mechanism." Ends




三个高威大学毕业生将获得他们的初创公司的影响在今年的麻省理工学院技术评论创新者35岁以下欧洲的节日。年轻的欧洲创新者的庆祝发生在Gaoth Dobhair,有限公司多尼哥,2023年5月11 - 12日。三种Galway-based创新者与医学技术和健康科技公司拥有大学毕业戈尔韦的地标BioInnovate计划。Elle桑德-联合创始人兼首席执行官Lifelet医疗、医疗器械公司创新在心脏瓣膜替换。芭芭拉·奥利维拉- Luminate的联合创始人和临床医学。公司的第一个产品是一个小说,没有痛苦和病人化疗期间医疗设备,防止脱发。布兰登·斯汤顿Amara疗法的联合创始人和首席执行官,公司”,它盆腔疾病的治疗方式提供数字支持患者的智能手机。高威大学主席Ciaran O hOgartaigh教授说:“被提名为麻省理工学院技术评论欧洲35岁以下的创新者奖是伟大的认可。Elle,芭芭拉和布伦丹是我们聪明,青年科学家和创新者和看到他们被同龄人在欧洲证明高威大学促进创新,我们在研究的决心另辟蹊径,同时关注公众利益。“麻省理工学院技术评论创新者35岁以下的欧洲是一个年度排行榜,承认那些35岁以下杰出的创新者。颁奖跨度范围广泛的领域,包括生物技术、材料、计算机硬件、能源、交通、通信和互联网。 University of Galway is proudly partnering with the festival organisers, Údarás na Gaeltachta and other partners, to bring this year’s festival of innovation to Gaoth Dobhair, Co Donegal and to celebrate young European visionaries pursuing the same objective: innovation, ingenuity, and advances toward addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. More here on Innovators Under 35 https://emtecheurope.com/innovators-under-35-europe/ Read more about our university spin-outs here https://stories.universityofgalway.ie/spin-outs/index.html Ends


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