This team has been awarded the prestigious Nucleate Activator 2023 Golden Ticket Award from JLABS @ TMC, granting them access to Johnson and Johnson Innovation`s startup ecosystem in Houston! Additionally, they secured third place and a $1,000 prize at the Rice Business Plan Competition qualifying round and received the Nucleate Activator 2023 Genentech Award for the best JDEI team in the finals in Dallas. Great work by this team of talented young innovators!
男人,我们得到它:你宁愿谈论你的健康。但是,谈话不仅可以挽救你的生命,它还可以让你活的更长,更健康的生活做更多你喜欢的东西。Swipe through the images for steps to take charge of your health And tag your friends you`d like to join you on the journey!