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Taq Talks Episode 4: How Applied Biosystems TaqMan Real-Time PCR Assays Work
Watch video 4 in a new series of Taq Talk videos from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Taq Talks Episode 3: What Are Ct Values in Real-Time PCR
Watch video 3 in a new series of Taq Talk videos from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Taq Talks Episode 2: Phases of Real-Time PCR and Why They're Important
观看视频一个新系列的第2 Taq演讲的视频rom Thermo Fisher Scientific

Taq Talks Episode 1: Understanding Real-Time PCR Terminology
Watch video 1 in a new series of Taq Talk videos from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Why Crows Are As Smart As 7-Year-Old Humans
Intelligence seems to thrive in mammals that live in tight social groups, but if we survey the world of animals, one of the smartest is one that is perhaps unexpected – crows.

What Is Monkeypox?
While cases of Monkeypox are being found worldwide, the nature of the disease and the science we currently have available keeps concerns from growing.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders With Rochelle Hines
In this episode ofTeach Me in 10, UNLV neuroscientist Dr. Rochelle Hines joins us to discuss the team’s latest findings, which show that mutations inARHGEF9— the gene that codes for collybistin — lead to ID through impaired α2 subunit function.

Powered and Prepared for Your Next Label-Free Challenge With Dr. Helge Schnerr
In this episode of Teach Me in 10, we speak with Helge Schnerr, global campaign manager at Sartorius, about the motivation behind this move, the game-changing features on the SF3 and how it all translates to empowering scientists.

Automation of NGS Workflows – The Journey of Genuity Science
Are you interested in automating your NGS workflows but don't know how to get started? Learn more through Genuity Science's Automation Journey: From laying out all workflow steps and estimating sample throughput, to designing the right deck layout to automate QC, Normalization, Library Prep and Pooling.

Turn Your Triple Quad Up to 11 With SCIEX OS Software!
Speaking at The Laboratory of the Future, April Quinn-Paquet, technical product manager at SCIEX presented her talk on data acquisition, processing and decision rules.