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Latest News

A hand holding a half-smoked cigarette.

Existing Drugs That May Help People Quit Smoking Identified by Machine Learning

Researchers have used machine learning to identify genes related to smoking behaviors and find existing medications that may be able to be repurposed to help people quit smoking.
An antibody bound tightly to its target.

AI Supports Discovery of Super Tight-Binding Antibodies

Scientists at University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based strategy for discovering high-affinity antibody drugs.
A family sits on the floor, a young child in front of a laptop.

Can Technology Teach Children To Count?

Videos that resemble real life and engage babies could be used to help them learn to count, reports new research from Rutgers University.
The semiconductor components of the quantum computer shown in grey.

Analog Quantum Computer Could Solve Mysteries of Physics

A new type of analog quantum computer has been invented that can tackle physics problems that digital supercomputers can't solve.
A view of the night sky.

Could Machine Learning Help Find Extraterrestrial Life?

When pondering the probability of discovering extraterrestrial life, the question that often arises is, "if they're out there, why haven't we found them yet?" Now, researchers have applied a deep learning technique to a previously studied dataset of nearby stars and uncovered eight previously unidentified signals of interest.
A map of the world, areas with high case numbers are shown with red dots and connections drawn between them to show disease spread.

Infectious Disease Spread Model Improves Future Case Predictions

An infectious disease model that takes into account age-specific contact patterns whilst applying a common modeling approach has been shown to improve predictions of disease spread.
A blue double-stranded DNA helix, with green coding text overlapping.

Speedy Gene Editing Made Possible Thanks to AI

An artificial intelligence program could accelerate the production of gene therapies by enabling the customizable production of zinc finger proteins that can turn genes on and off.
An incomplete jigsaw showing strands of DNA.

Zinc Finger Model Promising for Gene Therapy

Taking a step towards gene therapies for a broader range of health conditions, researchers have developed a novel technology that can engineer proteins to target any stretch of DNA in the human genome.

A 3D rendering of a protein structure, shown in orange and red.

AI Creates Original Proteins From Scratch

An AI system has been developed by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that can generate artificial proteins from scratch.
Bacillus bacteria floating above an internal body surface.

Model Shows How Bacterial Chatterboxes Communicate

A mathematical model has been created explaining how bacteria communicate within a larger ecosystem. By understanding how this process works, researchers can predict what actions may elicit certain environmental responses from a bacterial community.