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Decoding the Building Blocks of Neuronal Diversity

In his iconic book, Cosmos, Carl Sagan wrote that the cerebral cortex is where “matter is transformed into consciousness.” This profound function requires approximately 16 billion neurons that are classified according to their morphology, molecular properties, and connectivity.

David Werner, Addiction Researcher

Growing up in Montana, David Werner fueled his curiosity about the natural world with frequent visits to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. While majoring in biology and chemistry at Ashland University in Ohio, his interest in neuroscience peaked when he realized that treatment for neurodegenerative and neurophsychiatric disorders is geared toward symptoms rather than the root cause.

Top 10 NeuroScientistNews Stories of 2014

It has been a busy year for the team at NeuroScientistNews. Since our launch in early 2014, we’ve covered the most exciting breakthroughs and discoveries in research and clinical neuroscience. In case you missed our most popular stories the first time around, here they are again:.

The vertical occipital fasciculus: A century of controversy resolved by in vivo measurements


Dynamics of Oligodendrocyte Generation and Myelination in the Human Brain


Your Guide to SfN 2014

The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is holding its 44th annual meeting, Neuroscience 2014, in Washington DC from November 15-19 2014. A large meeting such as Neuroscience 2014 that attracts more than 30,000 attendees can be a little overwhelming.

Sorting Nexin 27 Regulates Aß Production through Modulating ?-Secretase Activity


Cellular communication: Tools to study synapses

Electrical and chemical information is transmitted between neurons at asymmetric intercellular junctions called synapses. The human brain contains 86 billion neurons and within the neocortex each neuron has on average 7000 synapses1,2.

A Hox regulatory network of hindbrain segmentation is conserved to the base of vertebrates


Generation of Human Striatal Neurons by MicroRNA-Dependent Direct Conversion of Fibroblasts
