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If We Asked Your Parents to Describe Your Job What Would They Say?

We asked you the question "How would your parents describe your job?".
Here is a selection of our favorite responses.

Top 10 Neuroscience News Stories of 2018

2018 has been a massive year for neuroscience research. In this list we look at 10 of the most important stories in neuroscience from the last year, touching on spinal cord regeneration, brain organoids, mind-manipulating microbes and the discovery of an entirely new type of brain cell. Here's to another huge year in 2019!

Top 10 Biopharma News Stories of 2018

It has been a big year for the biopharma world. In case you missed them, here is a list of the top 10 most-read biopharma news stories we have published in 2018.

Biggest News Stories of 2018

We have seen some amazing scientific breakthroughs in 2018.
This list highlights some of our favourites.

Advancing Disease Research with High-Content Analysis [Flipbook]

Download this flipbook to learn how HCA can enhance your research.

8 Biotech Companies Getting Noticed in 2018

Of 60 applications from across 17 countries, there were eight finalists who participated in the 'Startup Slam' — the Dragons' Den of Biopharma. Representatives of biotech companies presented to a jury of leading investors, pharma deal-makers and biotech business key opinion leaders at the BIO-Europe conference in Copenhagen, November 2018.

Spectacular Cell Images

Download this free flipbook to reveal a selection of truly stunning cells.

Stunning Images From Microscopy

Download this image gallery to see how a variety of techniques have been used to capture stunning images of the world beyond the naked eye.

4 Spooky Sounding Halloween-inspired Scientific Terms

Researchers spend their lives in pursuit of a scientific breakthrough. So, when that "eureka" moment finally arrives, of course it is tempting to give that groundbreaking discovery an absurd and memorable name. This list highlights four haunting Halloween-inspired scientific terms.

Neuroscience at Super-Resolution [Image Gallery]

A gallery of beautiful images of brain cells at the sub-micron level.