
研究人员开始操纵线虫的饮食。“我们吃铁四天蠕虫,几天他们看上去像15天内蠕虫,“Lithgow说。“过量铁加速老化的过程。”Lithgow says excess iron is known to generate oxidative stress and researchers expected to see changes in the worm based on that toxicity. “Instead, what we saw looked much more like normal aging,” said Lithgow. “The iron was causing dysfunction and aggregation in proteins that have already been associated with the aging process. Now we’re wondering if excess iron also drives aging. ”
Lithgow说工作的衰老研究领域具有重要的意义。金属“维持适当的平衡是健康的关键在整个寿命,很明显,这微妙的平衡可以不规则的随着年龄的增长,”他说。“这个现象没有被广泛研究衰老研究人员和这是一个积极的开发潜力区域。”As far as the general public is concerned, Lithgow was quick to warn people away from taking CaEDTA and other available metal chelators as anti-aging medication. “CaEDTA has a very blunt mechanism of action and is associated with dangerous side effects in humans and the track record for other chelators is not well established,” said Lithgow, who urged people to talk to their physicians about the use of iron supplementation, especially for postmenopausal women.
艾达·m·巴生Birgit先令、狄兰·j·索伦森,亚历山大k . Sahu Pankaj Kapahi,朱莉·k·安徒生彼得•Swoboda大卫·w·Killilea布拉德福德•吉布森(george w . bush)和戈登·j·Lithgow。在秀丽隐杆线虫铁促进蛋白质不溶性和衰老。衰老,9月25日2014年出版。