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Latest How To Guides

How To Guide

A Guide to RNA-Seq

Download this guide to learn more about what RNA-Seq is and the information it provides, advantages of RNA-Seq, the types of RNA-Seq available and what to consider when designing your experiment.
How To Guide

Exploring Bioinformatics for Genomic and Transcriptomic Sequencing Data

Download this guide to discover what you need for whole genome sequencing analysis, what you need for RNA sequencing analysis and how to analyze each type of data.
How To Guide

Connecting Laboratories With Data-Driven Automation Software

Download this guide to learn more about automated software and the latest solutions available.
How To Guide

Fall in Love With Pipetting Again: Automated Liquid Handling

Download this guide to learn more about automated liquid handling solutions.
How To Guide

Western Blot Troubleshooting Tips

Download this guide to discover tips and tricks on preparation and optimization, selecting the right controls, and blocking and washing.
How To Guide

Eight Ways To Make Your Lab More Sustainable

Download this guide to discover tips on avoiding single-use plastics, managing your cold storage and conserving water and energy.
How To Guide

A Guide to Using Magnetic Beads

This guide discusses the key considerations when using magnetic beads to ensure you achieve accurate, reproducible results.
How To Guide

Nine Ways To Improve Your Data Reproducibility

Download this guide to discover tips on improving your data reproducibility such as checking guidelines specific to your field, maintaining equipment and understanding analysis software.
How To Guide

Why Single-Cell Sequencing?

Download this guide to learn more about analyzing gene and protein expression, performing comprehensive immune phenotyping, mapping regions of open chromatin and much more.
How To Guide

How To Ensure a Successful Western Blot Experiment

Download this free guide to learn more about how to ensure a successful western blot experiment.