








高威大学提供一个独特的机会去探索其河滨校区通过手机摄像头的视角与校园节日照片走7月28日和29日。国际获奖摄影师和领军人物在移动摄影,丹·鲁宾和阿丹Se将引导摄影爱好者在大学的生物多样性小道去探索和了解校园,同时提升自己的摄影技巧。丹•鲁宾获奖设计师、摄影师和创意总监在美国和英国有超过25年的经验。新型出版和webgraph创始人之一,他已经周游世界对摄影委员会选择客户和领导车间与徕卡发育,宝丽来,柯达,摄影师的画廊。他是一个反复出现的国际摄影奖项和陪审员ColorPro奖,并自2016年以来WPO学院成员。丹的第一次摄影书,Koya绑定,在2017年赢得了AIGA封面设计奖项。Brendan O Se是软木的获奖艺术和iPhone的摄影师。布伦丹是最初的苹果# shotoniPhone全球行动的一部分,2015年被任命为iPhone在2017年的摄影师。他已在全球展出他的作品和他的移动摄影工作室,与这张照片软木的爱尔兰和Glusckman美术馆博物馆,吸引了广大读者。布兰登街头摄影的独特方法导致显著的和不同的图像。 The University has been found to be Ireland’s most biodiverse campus and the biodiversity trail takes in a range of flora and fauna in woodland and riverside settings. Dr Paul Dodd, Vice President of Engagement at University of Galway said: “Our campus is a popular amenity for all our local communities to use, and we look forward to welcoming world-leading photographers to show us how to take a great photo while we showcase the history and biodiversity on our doorstep.” The Campus Festival Photo Walks are free to attend and bookings can be made at https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/university-of-galway-54327075003. Ends




高威大学现在开始接受圣所申请大学的奖学金计划2023 - 24。开放的国际保护申请者,难民,爱尔兰旅行者和脆弱的移民群体,高威大学提供24奖学金,本科和研究生课程在四个学院。奖学金包括一个全费豁免(不包括学生征收),€3300的年薪,和持续的支持和学术指导。高威大学副总统参与保罗·多德博士说:“大学的避难所高威大学奖学金计划重申的承诺来回应日益多元文化和多元的社会,我们居住,反映了大学的战略价值的尊重和开放性。我们很高兴能提供这个改变生活的机会和鼓励你申请加入我们高威大学社区。“俄巴底Niyibizi,最近毕业于圣所大学的奖学金计划,说:“我很感激圣所的大学奖学金收件人,因为它使我今年毕业,学士。我第一次了解到这个机会通过各种协会,和这对我来说是救命稻草作为欧洲的国际保护申请人资格费。金融支持不仅帮助我克服这一点,但指导方面的计划是无价的。我很幸运,有两个学术和社会导师指导我通过大学系统,使我的经验顺利和愉快的旅程。这个奖学金有真正的改变了我的生活,我不能表达我的感激。” The Universities of Sanctuary Scholarship Programme is part of a wider effort by University of Galway as a designated University of Sanctuary to broaden participation among underrepresented groups and to challenge discrimination. In a further example of University of Galway’s efforts in line with its values of respect and openness, we are also part of the EU-PASSWORLD project. As part of that initiative two refugee students will be welcomed in September 2023 to undertake a Master’s degree at University of Galway’s College of Science and Engineering. The EU-PASSWORLD project is a joint initiative between University of Galway, UNHCR - the United Nations Refugee Agency, and Nasc – Ireland’s Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre. The project is specifically focused on developing a roadmap to create new, safe and legal routes for displaced people to secure education scholarships in Ireland. University of Galway also recently signed the Anti-Racism Principles for Irish Higher Education Institutions, which seek to embed a culture of race equality across higher education. The closing date for applications for Universities of Sanctuary scholarships is Friday August 4 at 12pm for postgraduate applications, and Friday September 8 at 12pm for undergraduate scholarship applications. Information on the scholarship programme can be found at www.universityofgalway.ie/sanctuary/scholarships or by emailing uni.sanctuary@universityofgalway.ie. Ends




司健康的女神通过奖学金支持学生获得教育与健康女神高威大学宣布了一个新的伙伴关系,爱尔兰主要生产园艺、农业和兽医产品,由唐尼博士1939年在戈尔韦市建立Coyle Oranmore的现在。合作伙伴将提供奖学金和助学金的学生正在经历金融障碍访问第三级教育。十年的伙伴关系将在大学学生开放,并支持学生服务奖励资助学生经历苦难。健康女神奖学金将包括由健康女神员工指导、支持学生通过他们的学术和个人发展以及工作和实习的机会,为他们的未来职业生涯的学生获得宝贵的技能和洞察力。高威大学总裁欢迎合伙Ciaran O hOgartaigh教授说:“这种伙伴关系健康女神的表现Meitheal的概念用于高威大学战略规划的共同愿景,形成了价值观,它描述了实践的人聚在一起汇集人才和资源来完成收割。与我们的行业合作伙伴密切合作,我们有信心我们的能力激励和领导一个Meitheal本地区的利益,我们的国家和我们的世界。我热烈欢迎健康女神的投资在一个十年的伙伴关系,将支持我们的访问奖学金计划,使学生面临金融壁垒进入第三级教育。他们和我们一起在这里对我们学生来说,我们的社会和公众利益。”John Coyle, Chairman of Hygeia, said: “Hygeia and the University of Galway have collaborative heritage, with our facility being based beside the campus for many years. We have worked together in the past and are delighted to officially announce our commitment to this 10-year partnership. We are at the start of a new chapter for the company and it’s exciting to know we have the next generation of knowledge and skill supporting the company’s growth and innovation through this selection of scholarships.” John Byrne, CEO of Hygeia, said: “Hygeia is delighted to launch our new scholarship programme. This new initiative will facilitate the continued development of our knowledge capacity and talent capabilities within the organisation and assist the growth of the business sectors of garden care, crop protection and veterinary care. We would like to thank the University of Galway for the hard work in bringing this programme together that will benefit the students, Hygeia and the University.” Imelda Byrne, Head of Access at University of Galway, said: “I would like to thank Hygeia for their generous donation to University of Galway Access students. We are extremely grateful for their support which will help our students enter, progress and successfully graduate from our university. “Over 20% of new entrants annually to our University now come from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education, and the Access Centre aim to increase this admissions figure with each passing year. Evidence indicates that financial support is a key determinant in successful outcomes for our students. Our partnership with Hygeia will make such a great difference to the lives of the recipients; in addition, the time and expertise provided to them through the mentoring and personal development pillars of the bursaries will help change the future of many underprivileged students. We are very grateful for relationships with donors like Hygeia who support the work of the Access Centre in increasing access and widening participation for the most deserving in our community.” Ends


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