
具体地说,这个没有溶解,没有洗方法使用DRAQ5门有核细胞,重要的是作者的状态,“有核的结果更准确表示前体和M / E比值比溶解FC(流式细胞术),因此,可用来客观、快速分析骨髓样本。”It is apparent from the data that this no-lyse method give more reliable M/E ratios due to the improved retention of intact nucleated erythroid precursors. These cells appear to suffer from lysis in the comparable procedure relying on RBC lysis reagents. The spectral properties of DRAQ5 allow the use of FITC/PE antibody pairs and three colour analysis using only the 488nm laser excitation. Its ability to efficiently label the DNA of live cells allows its use as a nucleated cell gating parameter.