我们的意识状态变化显著的深度睡眠阶段期间,就像昏迷或全身麻醉下。科学家一直认为——但无法确定当我们睡觉时,大脑活动下降。大多数研究睡眠使用脑电图(EEG)进行,这种方法需要测量大脑活动通过电极放置在病人的头皮。然而,Anjali塔伦博士助理EPFL医学图像处理实验室工程学院内,决定调查使用磁共振成像在睡眠时的大脑活动,或核磁共振。负责人根据迪米特里Van De城镇实验室,“核磁共振扫描测量神经活动通过检测结构在整个大脑的血流动力学响应,从而提供重要的信息除了脑电图。”During these experiments, Tarun relied upon EEG to identify when the study participants had fallen asleep and pinpoint the different stages of sleep. Then she examined the MRI images to generate spatial maps of neural activity and determine different brain states.
唯一美中不足的是,它不容易对参与者在他们熟睡的时候执行大脑核磁共振成像。机器很吵,使参与者很难达到深度睡眠的状态。但与苏菲Schwartz日内瓦大学的教授和教授尼古拉Axmacher Ruhr-Universitat波鸿,塔伦同时可以利用核磁共振和脑电图数据从30人左右。大脑活动的数据被覆盖一段近两个小时而参与者睡在MRI机器。“两个小时是一个相对较长的时间,这意味着我们能够获得一组罕见,可靠的数据,”塔伦说。”进行核磁共振成像而病人执行认知任务通常持续约10 ~ 30分钟。”
检查后,分析和比较数据,塔伦发现令人惊讶。“我们计算到底多少次网络由大脑的不同部分变得活跃在每个阶段的睡眠,”她说。”期间我们发现光的睡眠阶段——也就是说,之间当你睡着了,当你进入深度睡眠状态,大脑活动减少。但是大脑的不同部分之间的沟通变得更加动态。我们认为这是由于大脑状态的不稳定在这个阶段。”Van De Ville adds: "What really surprised us in all this was the resulting paradox. During the transition phase from light to deep sleep, local brain activity increased and mutual interaction decreased. This indicates the inability of brain networks to synchronize."
意识普遍与神经网络有关,可能与我们的内省过程,情景记忆和自发的想。“我们看到,前部和后部区域之间的网络坏了,这越来越明显增加睡眠深度,”Van De城镇说。”类似的崩溃在小脑的神经网络也观察到,这通常是与运动控制有关。”For now, the scientists don't know exactly why this happens. But their findings are a first step towards a better understanding of our state of consciousness while we sleep. "Our findings show that consciousness is the result of interactions between different brain regions, and not in localized brain activity," says Tarun. "By studying how our state of consciousness is altered during different stages of sleep, and what that means in terms of brain network activity, we can better understand and account for the wide range of brain functions that characterize us as human beings."
塔伦,Wainstein-Andriano D, Sterpenich V, et al。非快速眼动睡眠阶段具体改变大规模脑网络的动态集成。iScience。2021;24 (1)。doi:10.1016 / j.isci.2020.101923