长期储存的生物样本病人在疾病控制的研究变得越来越重要和治疗。第一个全国性的丹麦糖尿病项目,即丹麦战略研究中心的II型糖尿病(DD2),旨在提高治疗和新诊断2型糖尿病患者的长期预后(T2D)。DD2项目包括建立生物样本50000例新诊断T2D。本文介绍了血液和尿液样本10000例每年收集,处理和存储。生物包括全血、DNA和血浆和尿液样本,所有冻结在-80°C。取样管已经标准化,送往医院门诊和全科医生,样品处理,整除,返回的邮件在标准化为了管。当生物收到,样品被冻结,没有进一步的治疗。从每个病人,24为了管存储。每个管贴上一个条形码,联系临床数据库中可用的数据和其他信息注册表。当病人参加DD2,问卷填写和质量监控系统确保患者样本,调查问卷可以连接在一起。 The biobank is located at Vejle Hospital and the Danish National Biobank at Statens Serum Institut. As of the end of March 2012, samples from 1186 patients have been stored, and currently samples from 8-10 patients arrive per day. We have established the first national biobank in Denmark where blood, DNA, and plasma and urine samples from patients with newly diagnosed T2D are systematically collected and stored. This biobank enables sophisticated analysis of genetic variation and response to treatment, as well as disease marker studies that better classify disease status, progression, and complications.