国家糖尿病、消化和肾脏疾病研究所(NIDDK)中央存储库使数据和biospecimens NIDDK-funded科学界广泛研究。从而促进:新假说的测试没有新数据或biospecimen集合;池数据跨多个研究提高统计能力;和翔实的基因分析使用存储库的well-curated表型数据。本文描述的初始数据库库及其修订计划使用一个简单的模型。经验教训中有一个数据库的复杂性之间的权衡设计和实现的时间和金钱成本;将同意文件集成到基本设计的重要性;至关重要的链接文件,需要把biospecimen id与蒙面主题id用于存放数据集;和标准程序测试的重要性之前完整数据集分布。存储库是目前跟踪111持续NIDDK-funded研究很多,包括基因型数据,这房子超过500万biospecimens超过25个类型包括血清、血浆、粪便、尿液、DNA、红细胞,淡黄色的外套和组织。 Repository resources have supported a range of biochemical, clinical, statistical and genetic research (188 external requests for clinical data and 31 for biospecimens have been approved or are pending). Genetic research has included GWAS, validation studies, development of methods to improve statistical power of GWAS and testing of new statistical methods for genetic research. We anticipate that the future impact of the Repository's resources on biomedical research will be enhanced by (i) cross-listing of Repository biospecimens in additional searchable databases and biobank catalogs; (ii) ongoing deployment of new applications for querying the contents of the Repository; and (iii) increased harmonization of procedures, data collection strategies, questionnaires etc. across both research studies and within the vocabularies used by different repositories. Database URL: