



《每日邮报》最近的一项调查发现,在英国最受欢迎的商业街餐厅中,十分之六的餐厅供应的冰块含有的细菌比厕所里的水还多。科学测试显示,许多餐馆的冰块的细菌含量比从厕所碗里取的水样本还高。在包括美国在内的其他国家,肮脏的制冰机通过冰块造成污染也是一个主要的健康问题(4)。为了防止任何潜在的污染,制冰机的内部表面必须定期清洁和消毒。这份报告证明了对新型设备的需求和使用,这些设备将持续消毒制冰机的表面。我们评估了Air Oasis制造的Bi-Polar®设备对制冰机表面的消毒效果。双极®产生冷等离子体放电,由空气中的水蒸气中的正离子和负离子组成。正离子和负离子会附着在灰尘、烟雾、花粉和皮屑等颗粒和过敏原上。颗粒聚集在一起产生更大的颗粒,这些更大的重颗粒从空气中掉落,很容易被过滤器捕获。我们使用脑心灌注琼脂(Difco)制备了石化板,以评估Bi-Polar®单元在减少制冰机污染方面的能力。分别于24、48、72、120、168小时,用无菌棉签将制冰机表面收集的接种物接种于两组培养皿。 The colonies representing microbial growth were observed after 24 hours of incubation at 37o Celsius. The bacterial colonies were differentiated from the fungal ones based on their texture and surface features using a SZ-40 stereo-scope attached to goose neck fiber optics light source. We prepared slides from bacterial colonies stained with Gram staining and fungi with Lacto-Phenol Cotton Blue stain. The slides were observed and micrographed at 100X with a Leica DM-750 microscope (1A-F). We compared the two sets of petri-plates and slides prepared from with running and without running the Bi-Polar® unit. After running the Bi-Polar® 168 hours or more, there was a significant reduction in microbial entities including bacteria, fungi, slime molds and Cyanobacteria that has left blue green patches on the ice maker’s wall. Our investigation demonstrated the possibilities of contamination with a number of pathogens from a not so cleaned ice maker and that can be reduced significantly by using a Bi-Polar® unit.
