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Infectious Diseases – News and Features

A group of older men sit outside.

Machine Learning Model Ranks Alzheimer's Risks

Using data from nearly half a million individuals, a machine learning model has been used to rank risk factors in order of how strong their association is with the eventual development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Microscope images of cells from biopsies of melanoma patients that were treated or not with immune checkpoint blockade were stained for neutrophil activation. Left: Biopsy of an untreated patient, with white arrow showing neutrophils. Right: Biopsy of a patient treated with immunotherapy, with yellow arrows showing activated neutrophils.

New Study Suggests Neutrophils Can Play Key Anti-Tumor Role

A new study suggests that neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, have an unappreciated role in eradicating solid tumors.
A glass of whisky

Alcohol's Impact on the Brain Makes Us More Likely To Drink

Heavy alcohol use creates a vicious cycle: It changes signaling pathways in the brain, which in turn affects cognitive functions like decision-making and impulse control — and makes the individual more likely to drink.

Older couple embracing in a dancing pose.

Harnessing Anti-Viral Immune Response Could Promote Healthy Aging

Scientists have found that the immune response to a virus that is ubiquitously present in human tissues can detect and eliminate senescent cells in the skin, a process that could restore tissue balance and lead to an increased healthy lifespan.
A plastic model of a human heart.

How To Interpret Incidentally Found Gene Variants

A new American Heart Association scientific statement helps interpret gene variants found incidentally through genetic testing that may be associated with cardiovascular disease risk.

Protein’s Shape Underpins Shigella Susceptibility

Shigellabacteria can infect humans but not mice. Now, a team from UConn Health explains why. Their findings may explain the multifariousness of a key weapon of our immune system.
Illustration of plasmid DNA being dispensed from a pipette tip onto a cell culture for transfection.

An Introduction to Transfection, Transfection Protocol and Applications

In this article, we discuss the fundamentals of transfection, provide an overview of some of the commonly employed methods and a sample protocol. Finally, we consider some of the key applications of transfection.
A form and stethoscope sit on a table, with two doctors in the background.

Multiomics Advances: Patient Stratification for Treatment and Response

This article will present two multiomics vignettes. One involves the search for a deeper understanding of food allergies and a potential path forward for treatment. Another will describe the response to bariatric surgery, a growing need as obesity trends upward in many parts of the world.
A gloved hand holds a section of DNA in metal tweezers, which has come out of a DNA helix.

Cutting With CRISPR: Assessing Safety as Technology Moves Into the Clinic

诺贝尔奖获得者CRISPR-Cas基因组编辑technology is being adopted for a wide variety of research applications. In this article, we will explore what these applications are and outline the progress of CRISPR methodologies in recent years, in addition to current bottlenecks in CRISPR research and how we can look to address them.
Illustration of a stomach with a tumor, with DNA strand in blue on the left and H. pylori bacteria in yellow/green on the right.

Genetic Factors May Increase Risk ofHelicobacter pylori-Related Stomach Cancer

A new study has found that people with genetic risk factors for stomach cancer have increased risk if they are also infected withHelicobacter pylori.