食物过敏原的可靠分析的先决条件是确保遵守法律规定标签条例。这可以通过蛋白质或DNA进行检测。蛋白质检测的优点是直接检测过敏成分,目前可以使用免疫(ELISA /简单的快速测试)或质量spectrometry-based (MS)技术。DNA检测是间接的,但允许将食物过敏原的存在验证通过使用另一个标记。每种方法的优点和缺点在个案基础上,需要考虑。定性的简单快速测试非常适合食品行业,可以进行现场测试。ELISA定量,携带方便,灵敏度高。基于抗体的测试可能的加工食品有问题。女士展示了许多承诺,但是目前仍然耗时且复杂的执行。女士遇到类似的问题与加工食品和灵敏度矩阵和参数的依赖。 Thus, this technique is only occasionally used. PCR provides the highest specificity and, depending on the target sequence, a very good to good level of sensitivity. PCR is still affected by influence of processing and matrix related factors. All methods exhibit a relatively high level of measurement error due to natural variation and production-related changes in the molecules relevant in the process of detection. However, by means of laboratory-based analyses it is possible to calibrate for the allergen in question and thus be able to make reliable measurements using the methods which are already available.