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Latest Articles

An image illustrating equity, diversion and inclusion using building blocks.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for “Better Science”

技术Networks recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Sam Barichievy, director in cell engineering at the biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. In this conversation, Dr. Barichievy shares her perspectives on what equality, diversity and inclusion entails, and how fostering inclusive environments can enable us to do better science.
Quality control scientist  wearing personal protective clothing holding up a vial of a therapeutic drug to examine it.

Navigating the Challenges of a Modern Quality Control Laboratory

The modern QC laboratory is testing highly complex drug products using a wide range of analytical techniques, instrumentation and software with continually evolving regulations and guidance, presenting many challenges from a management perspective.

A Conversation on Immunity

Dr. Jenna Macciochi is a lecturer in immunology at the University of Sussex, where her research centers on understanding the role that nutrition and lifestyle play in human immunity.

A Degeneration of Trust

Recently, an expose article was published revealing a potential fabrication of data by prominent investigators of Alzheimer’s disease. In this op-ed piece, Michael Kinch explores the catastrophic impact of scientific fraud.

The Binomial Test

The Binomial test, sometimes referred to as the Binomial exact test, is a test used in sampling statistics to assess whether a proportion of a binary variable is equal to some hypothesized value.

We Must Keep the Pressure On To Succeed in Global Public Health During COVID and Beyond

This opinion piece discusses the importance of not letting our guard down on infectious diseases, especially in low and middle income countries where developing effective medications that ensure access and affordability is essential.

Radically Rethinking Scientific Publication: The “Octopus” Model

Dr. Alexandra Freeman believes that the major problems associated with research culture in science can be traced back to one source: the current scientific publishing model. In this interview with188金宝搏备用, she explains why a novel approach, called Octopus, is a logical solution to these issues.

How To Accelerate Vaccine Production – And Avoid Speed Bumps

In this article, we discuss key challenges in vaccine development scale up, highlighting various strategies for overcoming them.

Digitization: The Lab of the Future

188金宝搏备用connected with Dr. Samantha Kanza to discuss the challenges of digitizing a laboratory and why electronic implementation requires more than a just a change of technology.

An Introduction to Electroporation – A Tool for Transfection and Competent Cell Generation

There are many reasons you may want to deliver something into a cell, be it genetic material or a therapeutic drug, and electroporation is a vital tool to achieve this. In this article, we will consider what electroporation is, how it works and how it’s used.